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:: Saturday, January 31, 2004 ::

Absolutely (Story of a List)

Everyone's a comedian. Especially Ms. Boylan:
Top 5 songs that have (parenthesis in the title). Go forth and list. But don't go to fast. You don't want to get a ticket. HA!

For those of you that don't know me (and some that do I imagine), I had the luxury of getting a ticket for speeding two weeks ago. And Deirdre finds that to be amusing. So funny that I'm sure she will offer to pay for it. Anyways. I've had the task of putting together some pretty difficult lists, but this one was honestly the hardest just because no songs popped into my head when I first read the topic. Usually there are at least a few songs that stir around in my head after I see my next 'assignment', but a whole lot of nothing for this one. To make a long story longer, I'm not sure what you can take away from this one, but let me know if anything comes to mind. I apologize for the title, but I couldn't come up with anything clever.

1. Green Day "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)"
- This epitomizes songs with parenthesis. On the back of their album -- 'Nimrod' -- the song is listed the way I have it here. However, after it was released as a single it quickly lost the "Good Riddance" part and became simply "Time of Your Life". For a little while DJs would throw in the 'good riddance' part, but it was tagged onto the end. Now a days the song is simply "Time of Your Life". Further proof that people are idiots. Present company excluded, of course.

2. They Might Be Giants "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)"
- There's no way I could leave this song out. Besides the fact that this is one of the greatest and best songs in the world, it's amusing because there's really no need for the parenthesis (although I suppose none of the songs here need parenthesis). A simple title of "Istanbul, Not Constantinople" would've been rational (or as rational as TMBG could be).

3. 2gether "U + Me = Us (Calculus)"
- Deirdre mentioned this one to me and I was pissed I didn't think of it first. I could have went with their other epic ballad -- "The Hardest Part Of Breaking (Is Getting Back Your Stuff)" -- but finally decided to settle on this little gem of a song.

4. Something Corporate "(Hurricane) The Formal Weather Pattern"
- The boys of SoCo land here because it's one of the few songs with the parenthesis at the beginning of the title. Plus, unlike a lot of songs eligible for this list, this one ended up officially losing the parenthesis. It appeared with them on SoCo's Audioboxer EP but then was listed simply as "Hurricane" on their first full length album for MCA, Leaving Through the Window. It's one thing for radio to drop part of a title (like in Green Day's case) but for a band to do it? Very odd.

5. Billy Joel "Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)"
- This is my earliest memory of a song with parenthesis in the title. And damn did it confuse the hell out of me. I can remember as a child not understanding why it wasn't either just "Movin' Out" or "Anthony's Song". How can it be BOTH? More importantly, why did it have to be both? Hmm. Now that I think of it, I still have no idea why it has to be both. I guess we really haven't learned anything here.

:: Ryan 5:23 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 ::
Top 100 Movies

No, it's not my Top 100, but I still like the concept. You take IMDB's list of the Top 100 films of all time and bold the ones that you have seen. This just further proves that I'm very uncool. I mean, who hasn't seen Casablanca? Right, that's me.

1 Godfather, The (1972)
2 Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
3 Godfather: Part II, The (1974)
4 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003)
5 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002)
6 Casablanca (1942)
7 Schindler’s List (1993)
8 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001)
9 Shichinin no samurai (1954)
10 Star Wars (1977)
11 Citizen Kane (1941)
12 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
13 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
14 Rear Window (1954)
15 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
16 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
17 Memento (2000)
18 Usual Suspects, The (1995)
19 Pulp Fiction (1994)
20 North by Northwest (1959)
21 12 Angry Men (1957)
22 Amelie (2001)
23 Psycho (1960)
24 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
25 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966)
26 Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)
27 It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
28 Goodfellas (1990)
29 American Beauty (1999)
30 Vertigo (1958)
31 Sunset Blvd. (1950)
32 Matrix, The (1999)
33 Pianist, The (2002)
34 Apocalypse Now (1979)
35 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
36 Some Like It Hot (1959)
37 Taxi Driver (1976)
38 C’era una volta il West (1968)
39 Third Man, The (1949)
40 Paths of Glory (1957)
41 Fight Club (1999)
42 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
43 Boot, Das (1981)
44 L.A. Confidential
45 Double Indemnity (1944)
46 Chinatown (1974)
47 Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
48 Maltese Falcon, The (1941)
49 Requiem for a Dream (2000)
50 M (1931)
51 Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)
52 All About Eve (1950)
53 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
54 Se7en (1995)
55 Saving Private Ryan (1998)
56 Raging Bull (1980)
57 Cidade de Deus (2002)
58 Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
59 Rashômon (1950)
60 Sting, The (1973)
61 Alien (1979)
62 American History X (1998)
63 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
64 Léon (1994)
65 Vita è bella, La (1997)
66 Touch of Evil (1958)
67 Manchurian Candidate, The (1962)
68 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
69 Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)
70 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
71 Great Escape, The (1963)
72 Reservoir Dogs (1992)
73 Clockwork Orange, A (1971)
74 Amadeus (1984)
75 Modern Times (1936)
76 Annie Hall (1977)
77 Jaws (1975)
78 Ran (1985)
79 On the Waterfront (1954)
80 Braveheart (1995)
81 High Noon (1952)
82 Apartment, The (1960)
83 Fargo (1996)
84 Sixth Sense, The (1999)
85 Aliens (1986)
86 Shining, The (1980)
87 Strangers on a Train (1951)
88 Blade Runner (1982)
89 Metropolis (1927)
90 Duck Soup (1933)
91 Finding Nemo (2003)
92 Donnie Darko (2001)
93 General, The (1927)
94 Toy Story 2 (1999)
95 Princess Bride, The (1987)
96 City Lights (1931)
97 Great Dictator, The (1940)
98 Lola rennt (1998)
99 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
100 Notorious (1946)

:: Ryan 1:51 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, January 19, 2004 ::
Don't Quote Me

Phoe is quick and to the point:
Top 5 favorite quotes. Any source.

If it isn't already glaringly obvious from the "who i'd go out of my way to do" list that I am severely 'uncultured', then it will be very clear after this one. You won't find Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson or T.S. Eliot here. They are obviously all legendary writers. Just not my thing. I'm amused by the simpler things in life and these quotes are no different. There is no rhyme or reason to the order.

1. "If she keeps putting you on hold, it's time to hang up the phone, pardner." -- Larry King
- Sure, there's something to be said for persistence. But at the same time you need to know when to call it a day. We all over pursue something, believing there is a light at the end of that long tunnel. Sometimes you just need to realize the right path might be in the other direction. Although I'm not completely sure Larry King should be telling anyone about knowing when to quit.

2. "On this Father's Day, we'd like to wish all you fathers out there a happy birthday." -- Ralph Kiner, during a Mets telecast on Father's Day 1988
- Ralph is in the baseball Hall of Fame as a player and should be in there as an announcer. This particular Father's Day just happened to be the one time he was a bit off of his broadcasting game. C'mon, like you've never heard someone wish your mother a happy birthday on Mother's Day. You haven't? Oh, well then. That makes Ralph look much worse here.

3. "I think I'm better now than how I used to be." -- Everclear, 'Nervous and Weird'
- This was my high school yearbook quote. Yea, that's right. I said it. I will direct you to the intro of this list where I warned you there would be no Robert Frost here. My yearbook quote wasn't going to be any different. Was I supposed to use 'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I/I took the one less traveled by/And that has made all the difference.' ? Great line, no argument there, but maybe the other 8 people in my graduating class using it were sort of a buzzkill. This quote honestly summed up how I felt walking out of my high school. I loved my time there and I was sorry to leave, but could I be all that sure I was that much better off?

4. "Anytime someone calls you and identifies themselves with their full name, odds are it isn't someone you want to talk to under any circumstances." -- Bill Simmons,
- This holds true 99% of the time. You are either being informed that you owe quite a bit of money or they're delivering much worse news. So next time you pick up the phone and you hear someone's first and last name, immediately hang up the phone and run away.

5. "The rest of those who have gone before us cannot steady the unrest of those to follow." -- Finding Forrester
- Great movie. Great quote. Enough said.

:: Ryan 5:31 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, January 11, 2004 ::
She Bangs

Here's a list every single person should compile at one time or another, courtesy of Deirdre:
God help you if you say Clay Aiken, but what are the top 5 celebrities/models you'd "go out of your way to do"?

No, there will be no mention of Clay Aiken here, but I still think I was able to put a nice list together. I put musicians in the 'celebrities' category and -- as you'll see -- that was a big help. I'm sorry to disappoint those that thought Brooke Burke, Jennifer Lopez and Pam Anderson should've made the cut. I'd love to know who would be on your list, so leave a few names in the comments. I've noticed lately that a huge amount of people have found this site looking for SNL transcripts, so for all of you, the link for every Saturday Night Live transcript ever (or just about) is only a couple posts down the page. Those of you looking for naked photos from the Britney Spears wedding, unfortunately will have to look elsewhere. The same can be said for anyone wanting to download the Paris Hilton sex tape. Sorry. For everyone else, enjoy.

1. Michelle Branch
- This should come as little surprise to anyone that knows me. For everyone else, let me state her case. Not only is she good looking, but I love the fact that she writes her own songs and plays an actual instrument (God forbid). I know playing a bit of guitar shouldn't be a huge deal, but in pop music that's a major hurdle that plenty of superstars never quite get over. Lately she's been working on a little mean streak too. First she named Hilary Duff in an interview when asked "What the worst song of the year was" and now in the new Maxim she takes a swing at Jewel. Oh and speaking of Maxim, take a look at these. The defense rests.

2. Katie Holmes
- I'm starting to think maybe Katie should be lower on this list simply on principle now that she's engaged to Chris Klein. Even still, she's a little bit good girl, little bit bad girl. Even if the only real 'bad girl' mark on her resume is her nude scene in 'The Gift'. She does lose points, however, for allowing her Dawson's Creek character to end up with that schmuck Pacey.

3. Mandy Moore
- She is the ultimate good girl, which most definitely helps her case. There's a certain mystery to a girl that refuses to pose for Maxim. C'mon, Mandy, we're not asking for Playboy here. It'll be curious to see how long she plays the innocent role while dating tennis pro Andy Roddick.

4. Dido
- I should've put more international women on here, cause her accent absolutely kills me. Again, the fact that she's a musician gets her plenty of points too. And since of course I have a shot at her, it's important to note that she is recently single. Hey Dido, have your people call my people. And by my people I mean me.

5. Elisha Cuthbert
- When does a legitimate drama series keep on a character strictly because the actress is easy on the eyes? Meet Elisha Cuthbert's character -- Kim -- from Fox's 24. She and her mother made up one of the main story lines in the first season, but her character has served absolutely no purpose ever since. But since people like me think she's nice to look at between important scenes, they keep her around.

:: Ryan 5:06 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, January 02, 2004 ::
Top 20 of 2003

This was a great year for music and while it didn't live up to 2002, I still had plenty of tough decisions to make while putting together this year's list. If you think I missed anything, please use the comments to let me know. Included with each choice is a caption about the album along with the best track, so you can go and sample a bit of each disc you aren't familiar with. Don't be scared off by the negative comments about certain albums, it's just my way of pointing out why they aren't higher up on the list. You can check out the 2002 and 2001 lists below this year's picks. Enjoy.

1. Fountains of Wayne 'Welcome Interstate Managers'
- There is no band more deserving of a hit record than FoW. Their first album was released nearly 7 years ago and from day one were some of the best songwriters in all of music. In typical Fountains of Wayne fashion, every song on this disc will be stuck in your head for days. You might be tired of hearing "Stacy's Mom" on the radio, but trust me when I say you need to own this album. They join the company of Pete Yorn and Bruce Springsteen as recipients of my 'Best Album of the Year' award (strictly by coincidence are all three from New Jersey). Seriously.
Standout Track: Hey Julie

2. Vendetta Red 'Between The Never And The Now'
- This is the best of any 'screamo' you'll find floating around. Lead singer Zach Davidson's vocals go from 0 to 120 in the blink of an eye, but it never seems out of place or forced. I've never seen such an amazing progression from one album to the next. Their 'Cut Your Noose EP' was average at best, but the boys of Vendetta Red - with some slight help from the best production of the year - hit this one out of the park.
Standout Track: Opiate Summer

3. Everclear 'Slowmotion Daydream'
- It's not often that one's favorite band releases an album and said album isn't on the very top of a 'Best of...' list. Simply put, this wasn't Art and Company's best effort. Hopefully this isn't truly their last album, because they have a better record in them somewhere just waiting to be made. Landing at No. 3 with a sub-par effort is still pretty solid and this is definitely deserving of a spot in your CD rack.
Standout Track: A Beautiful Life

4. Jude 'Sarah'
- If this hadn't just recently been released, I might have been compelled to let it break into the top 3. I can't remember the last time one of my favorite artists exceeded expectations this much on a new album. Jude has always had a way with words, but not since his debut album have they come out so perfectly. There is no good reason why this man is not a star.
Standout Track: Your Love Is Everything

5. Ben Folds 'Speed Graphic' and 'Sunny 16' EPs
- Sure, I would've rather had Ben release a full length album, but there's something to be said for teasing your fans three months at a time with new materiel. Especially when said materiel is absolutely brilliant.
Standout Track: Give Judy My Notice

6. John Mayer 'Heavier Things'
- If I had typed this up a month ago this would be somewhere in the teens. After giving it another chance, I realized how amazing this record really is. After mostly hiding his guitar skills on 'Room For Squares', John was able to let everything loose on this one without making it sound as if he were showing off. This is the best combo possible: As good as RFS, but a completely different album.
Standout Track: Clarity

7. Howie Day 'Stop All The World Now'
- After waiting three years between full length albums, I expected more than 11 tracks (only 9 were actually 'new'), but similar to Ben Folds, it was quality - not quantity - that got him such a high spot on the list. The biggest thing about this record is how much Howie's songwriting has progressed from his first album. Some songs run a minute or so too long, but if it were perfect it'd be number 1, right?
Standout Track: Collide

8. Third Eye Blind 'Out of the Vein'
- If this was released last year, it wouldn't have cracked the Top 10, but as I said previously, this year's albums weren't quite as strong as 2002. Even with that being said, Stephan Jenkins managed to put together one of the catchiest - albeit predictable - albums of the year. The absence of former guitarist/songwriter Kevin Cadogan is obvious from the beginning, with the majority of the songs being more "Semi-Charmed Life" than "Graduate".
Standout Track: Palm Reader

9. Brand New 'Deja Entendu'
- Along with Vendetta Red, BN get to be placed in the "screamo that doesn't suck" category. Talk about a band making huge strides from one album to the next. This disc is a far cry from what they were doing on 'My Favorite Weapon'. There's no wonder why they recently got a reported $1,000,000 to sign with Dreamworks. Get on the bandwagon now, kids.
Standout Track: The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot

10. Blink 182 'Blink 182'
- I've never been particularly impressed with anything these guys released in the past. Don't get me wrong, their songs were always catchy and a lot of fun, but certainly nothing I would write home about. That all changed with this, their sixth studio album, mainly because there are dynamics to the songwriting that were simply just never there before. I guess this is growing up.
Standout Track: I Miss You

11. The Ataris 'So Long Astoria'
- Can you hear that? It's the 'hardcore' Ataris fans screaming and yelling about how they sold out. I have three words for them: Blah, Blah, Blah. Similar to Blink 182, all of their earlier albums were fun, but the songs didn't have very much substance to them. Don't be fooled by "Boys of Summer", there are 13 quality original tracks that will keep you bouncing around the room all day.
Standout Track: The Saddest Song

12. Pete Yorn 'Day I Forgot'
- When is being number 12 on a list not all that impressive? When your last album was number 1. However, this placement really speaks more about how incredible 'musicforthemorningafter' was as opposed to anything negative about 'Day I Forgot'. If you enjoyed the first record, be sure to pick this one up if you haven't already.
Standout Track: Man In Uniform

13. Travis '12 Memories'
- Just like Pete Yorn, Travis drops from being No. 2 down to this spot. And again just like Yorn's album this spot speaks volumes about how great 'The Invisible Band' was. Here the boys of Travis still do what they do best: craft catchy, complex pop songs. There's a bounce to even the darker songs. Quality.
Standout Track: Somewhere Else

14. Something Corporate 'North'
- What would a Top 20 list be without a little pop-punk-emo? The SoCo kids try a bit too hard to be 'deep' at times, but otherwise this is a very solid effort. And i'm sure someday a punk rock guy will get the girl.
Standout Track: Down

15. Dashboard Confessional 'A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar'
- Finally we get to hear a true "full band" Dashboard record and it was well worth the wait. I could've never pictured Chris Carraba releasing this album three years ago, but this just goes to show how far along he has brought this project. You might end up hating women after a listen or two (no matter if you're a guy or a girl), but it'll be worth it just to hear the most dynamic DC disc yet.
Standout Track: Bend and Not Break

16. Hootie and the Blowfish 'Hootie and the Blowfish'
- As long as they release albums, there will be a spot on my Top 20 for Hootie. What can I say? I'm a fan and always will be. Even after all these years, they can still put together a pop song with the best of em.
Standout Track: Space

17. Sarah McLachlan 'Afterglow'
- What a great way to come back from a six year hiatus. All Sarah has ever done is put out great records, but this is pretty damn close to being her best to date. That's saying a lot for someone who has released as much great music as she has, but this is just plaid solid.
Standout Track: Train Wreck

18. Fuel 'Natural Selection'
- I'm starting to think Fuel keeps making the same record over and over. Okay, that's too harsh, because it is a solid disc, but after three albums it doesn't seem like they've gotten all that far. Lead singer Brett Scallions sounds better than ever with new found range.
Standout Track: These Things

19. Train 'My Private Nation'
- As members of the band keep getting booted (first it was guitarist Rob Hotchkiss and then bassist Charlie Colin), Train is starting to sound -- and look -- like the Pat Monahan show. Change is almost always a good thing for bands, but this train is headed in the wrong direction.
Standout Track: All American Girl

20. Maroon 5 'Songs About Jane'
- The M5 guys continue a great tradition of the number 20 spot, following in the steps of Coldplay and Jimmy Eat World. You should pick up this album if only because they are among such great company here. Maroon 5 really has come a long way. Just listen to their first album (they were known as Kara's Flowers) and the difference is absolutely mind blowing.
Standout Track: She Will Be Loved

Top 20 of 2002

1. Bruce Springsteen 'The Rising'
2. Audioslave 'Audioslave'
3. Our Lady Peace 'Gravity'
4. Phantom Planet 'The Guest'
5. Bleu 'Redhead'
6. Ryan Adams 'Demolition'
7. Joseph Arthur 'Redemption's Son'
8. Foo Fighters 'One By One'
9. Counting Crows 'Hard Candy'
10. The Juliana Theory 'Love'
11. Goo Goo Dolls 'Gutterflower'
12. Rhett Miller 'The Instigator'
13. Something Corporate 'Leaving Through the Window'
14. Good Charlotte 'The Young and the Hopeless'
15. Matchbox Twenty 'More Than You Think You Are'
16. Tori Amos 'Scarlet's Walk'
17. Ben Folds 'Ben Folds Live'
18. Riddlin' Kids 'Hurry Up and Wait'
19. Chevelle 'Wonder What's Next'
20. Coldplay 'A Rush of Blood to the Head'

Top 20 of 2001
1. Pete Yorn 'musicforthemorningafter'
2. Travis 'The Invisible Band'
3. Better Than Ezra 'Closer'
4. Ben Folds 'Rockin the Suburbs'
5. John Mayer 'Room for Squares'
6. Jude 'King of Yesterday'
7. Ryan Adams 'Gold'
8. Tenacious D 'Tenacious D'
9. Flickerstick 'Welcoming Home the Astronauts'
10. Starsailor 'Love is Here'
11. Our Lady Peace 'Spiritual Machines'
12. Star64 'You May Be Beautiful'
13. Cousin Kevin 'Coming Back From Yesterday'
14. Remy Zero 'The Golden Hum'
15. Train 'Drops of Jupiter'
16. Something Corporate 'Audio Boxer EP'
17. American Hi-Fi 'American Hi-Fi'
18. Matthew Jay 'Draw'
19. Dashboard Confessional 'Places You Have Come to Fear the Most'
20. Jimmy Eat World 'Bleed American'

:: Ryan 4:21 AM [+] ::

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